After the morning 4/5 race I was ready to see what I could do in the Mens A race. I knew going into it that this was going to be the fastest crit I had partaken in. I certainly wasn’t wrong. I spent most of the race holding on to dear life at the back. Not the ideal spot to be, but that’s where I was. I was able to see when a rider in front of me was getting ready to crack, and move up past him. In this race we did 45 laps. Stanford and Cal Poly kept hitting attacks after attacks. For most of the race I was next to a Cal Poly guy who would signal an attack by whistling. I wanted to duct tape his mouth shut towards the end of the race. “shhhtttt”…..were strung out individually…..catch the attack group…..rest……shhhtttt another attack over and over again. I questioned whether or not I could stay in any longer. Fortunately for me I had a good group of teammates cheering me on along the race course. I managed to stay in and kept moving up as the race proceeded. I think it was 5 or 6 laps to go the Cal Tech guy I was following broke to the left….and for some odd reason my body reacted immediately to it. We both get out of the saddle and have at it. We did it we broke free of the group. Cal tech guy pulls to the
side, I figure its my turn to take a pull….so I pull, 15-20secs goes by and I pull off for him to take over and sure as shit he sat up after he attacked. What a predicament I am now in. I have 4-5 laps left and I am off the front with a good size gap over the field. I figure the pack thought to themselves no worries he’s just a no-named Nevada guy. This is the moment that I lost my chances at this race. I am strong and I need to get that through my thick skull. I end up sitting up letting the pack catch me. In hindsight I should have TT’ed it to the end and let them learn what this Nevada guys name is! C’est la vie……there will be plenty more bike races for me to throw down in. All in all Nevada had a great weekend of racing in Santa Barbara.

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